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How to Start an Indoor Garden This Spring

Even if you are a renter, gardening is something you can still do. Honestly speaking, growing a garden doesn’t even require a large outdoor yard. There are so many creative things that you can do to get your garden started inside your Malvern rental home. Try out these helpful gardening tips to get your own indoor garden started in no time!

First, figure out where you want to set up your indoor garden this spring. Your garden area can be any size you want it to be, but what you want to think of is how to get a good light so that you get the best results. An ideal spot would be one that gets direct sunlight, like a sunny windowsill, for example. But even if you don’t, you can create the light your plants will need by buying an inexpensive grow light for your garden. There are many different types and sizes of grow lights, so ensure that you get the right size for the garden you want to grow.

If you finally have your space, the next step is to decide what type of plants you want to grow. Typically, gardening experts suggest starting with succulents. Succulents are very low-maintenance and grow quite well indoors. However, you don’t have to stick to a couple of houseplants for your indoor garden. You can start growing fresh herbs for your own cooking. Or, if you’re up to the task, you can go with vegetables. Something like tomatoes or lettuce. With a few pots and some soil, you can grow fresh foods that can help you take your cooking to a whole new level.

Growing flowers indoors is not just achievable, it’s also very rewarding. You won’t need to worry quite as much about climate and temperature changes if you’re growing flowers indoors. So, you can even try growing different kinds of flowers like mini roses, or even exotic tropical varieties. If you’re new to gardening, it’s best to start with annuals like pansies, geraniums, or begonias. These are really easy to care for flowering plants and they can give you a lot of beautiful flowers throughout the year.

Using good quality plant soil along with the proper tools will ensure the success of your indoor garden. You may need different types of soil to grow various plants. Some plants prefer soil with higher acidity, while others fare better in soil with a more neutral pH level. To get the right soil, do your research well. And, get the proper hand tools to make tending your plants easier.

Lastly, set up your planters and pots in a way that they get good drainage, and make sure you water them correctly. You can do this by adding holes to the bottom of your pots and spreading a layer of rocks inside under the soil to avoid compacted soil. It’s true that plants need proper drainage, but they also need the correct amount of watering. Give your garden a water regimen to make sure that your plants thrive. So that you don’t end up overwatering them, base your watering schedule on your plant’s water needs.

By following these indoor gardening tips, you can grow a healthy and happy garden right inside your Malvern rental home. Are you in the market for a new rental home? Visit our rental listing page or contact us today!